In order to ensure that the content contained on our pages is appropriate for the teachers and
students who are the primary users of our site, ProfilerPRO has adopted the following terms of use:
- ProfilerPRO Basic Services are offered as a free service to the educational community and
to non-profit organizations. ProfilerPRO "Extended Services" are offered for a fee to provide
additional abilities to customers with more sophisticated survey and management reporting needs.
- Use by corporate or for profit organizations will require a fee.
- Surveys must be created for educational purposes. Surveys may be deleted if they are found to be
personal or commercial. Reselling of ProfilerPRO Services must be negotiated.
- A valid email address must be supplied in order for ProfilerPRO to be allowed contact with the author.
E-mail addresses are confidential (unless you choose to make them public) and will only be used for contact by
ProfilerPRO staff.
Note: All personal information will be kept confidential and will not be used for any
purposes other than for administration of this site.
- Survey information is confidential, unless specifically shared, although it may be used in meta-analyses
of the system for educational or administrative purposes.
- Users will not post any material that is intended to offend or attack any individual. Surveys will not contain
information that is derogatory or defaming to any individual, group of individuals, or organizations.
- ProfilerPRO reserves the right to delete the registration data of any individual who violates the confidentiality
of others by: sharing his/her login and password information with any other individual; sharing confidential group
data with any other individual; or in any other way compromising the security of the group data.
- If a survey is found to contain inappropriate material, it will be altered or deleted. ProfilerPRO reserves the
right to alter or remove surveys without the consent of the author.
- The administrators of ProfilerPRO will not be held liable for any lost or incorrectly represented data.
Should a system error be encountered, we will make attempts to restore lost data, but cannot guarantee all
data to be recovered or accurately compiled.
- All ProfilerPRO services are subject to change, including termination, without notice.
- The features and options available to users are presented 'as-is'. We cannot alter the website to suit particular wishes.
However, we are open to suggestions in improving this site's features and functionality. If you have any comments or
suggestions, please contact us.
- ProfilerPRO is committed to being available for public use during regular business hours (9:00am - 5:00pm CDT)
and the ProfilerPRO technical support staff will strive to resolve any customer issues within 2 business days.